Monday, September 19, 2011

Recipe: Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Subject: Cinnamon Roll Pancakes
Recipe: Found on Stumbleupon
How I fared: Horribly

Yes. This round definitely earned an F. Following directions was easy, to start with, but putting it into action was terrible. Not only was I frustrated but there were several uses of inappropriate language.

It sort of went like this:

Hubs: I'll start the bacon and eggs.
Me: *nods* *furrows brow* *pours batter* Dammit!
Hubs: What happened?
Me: Look... *we both stare at half the batter in the pan the other half out*

By the fourth try I was able to keep the batter in the pan, add cinnamon mix (with a plastic spoon) - bag instructions they offered blew this beginner out of the water.

Thoughts: Maybe next time I'll just add the cinnamon to the batter... it'd probably taste the same.

So, I'm sure you're all interested in a photo.

Here is what it was supposed to look like...

Here is what mine looks like. Clearly the swirl is not my area of expertise... and yes, this was with the spoon (it was difficult regardless). You also don't see much cinnamon on the finished product (the other side was awful), but you can see it is indeed a pancake.

Looks - Like a pancake (though my kitchen was atrocious)
Taste - Delicious

Question: Have you had any beginner mishaps?

Wednesday: Tara Wilson's Party Pantry Checklist - Leaving you ready to entertain at a moment's notice!


  1. Despite having breakfast this is making me hungry. Good luck with tne new blog.

  2. I have mishaps all the time. They don't need to be beginning bloopers. Now I'm hungry for pancakes. Think I'll go out for them at Mimi's. They make awesome pancakes! Good luck with your new blog.

  3. Yes...putting the cinnamon stuff in a baggie and snipping the corner would have probably made it much easier!! LOL!! But if it taste good, who cares what it looks like!!

  4. These sound really yummy!!! I have mishaps too! haha! And I've been cooking for awhile now. ;) Thanks for stopping by My Road to Mrs! Welcome to the blog world!!!

  5. Do you want me to blog my diet? YUMMMM cinnamon pancakes. As long as they taste good, who cares what they look like. LOL.

    We've all had mishaps....

  6. Oh my goodness, this blog is going to make me so hungry, isn't it? That looks FABULOUS.

  7. Cinnamon swirl pancakes sound yummy. I think you may need to do some blog cooking shows with this blog.

  8. I don't think you did so bad. If it tasted good, you know you didn't. Yum-o!

  9. Okay, see? I can tell already this is going to be as fun as your writerly blog :-D

  10. Jen!!!!! I love this blog. Thank you for telling me about it. So sorry I have been MIA from your site.

    I still love you .. promise :)

  11. This looks yummy! Love your blog! They don't have to look good, just taste good! Following you now :)

  12. your blog design is gorgeous, and these look amazing - I can't believe you just started blogging, you're already a pro!

    xx Emily @

  13. that looks completely yummy..i will be all over that pancakes this weekend!

  14. This sounds delicious! I totally understand where you are coming from...everything I make looks questionable and maybe not so edible, but usually tastes pretty yummy!!

    P.S. your blog is so cute! I am already a huge fan and I just found it a few minutes ago!!


  15. These look delicious!! My husband would die over these - they combine 2 of his favorite things! I am a new follower! :) xoxo

  16. Drool! They look delicious, even if you had a "mishap". I am so craving pancakes now... so what if it's 11 pm...

    Cute blog!

  17. These look so good! Thanks for commenting on my blog - I'm your newest follower :) Love your blog design and I look forward to following you!

  18. I give you kudos for trying. There are certain things I am GREAT at cooking and certain things I am NOT. I have a feeling this recipe would be one I'd fail at.

  19. Yummy! :)
    Thanks for following! I'll follow back!

